Seeds in general represent the essence of life. Depending on sunshine, earth and rain, they contain the super nutrients that are necessary for the transmission of life. Scientists know about the hidden possibilities of innumerable seeds, which provide mankind with the best nutrition.
Chia seeds are a unique source of nutrition, and numerous studies and experience have proven the effectiveness of these seeds. It is not sacred or esoteric, but a natural product of nature, which, without any side effects of our health, only provides advantages.
The message of food
The title “Message of Food” is based on the writings of Professor Fritz Albert Popp, who in 1990 was able to prove the radiation ability of certain nucleic acids and proteins. It makes it clear that man is primarily an order robber and light mammal and not primarily the consumer of macro and micronutrients or calories. Luther Burban underlines this in his book “Partner of Nature”, criticising the behaviour of people who carelessly throw away the seeds of the fruit and are not aware of how much effort the plant has put into creating life-giving germs.
In order to obtain many biophotons, food should come from the edible plants of nature, which are untreated, unpolluted and freshly harvested.
Chia, the edible plant of superlatives
Not only the transmitted experiences of old cultural peoples are decisive for the mode of action, also those of today’s research prove the broad field of action of the Chia seed.
Chia’s nutrient density is well known and Chia is one of the few almost complete foods. The US Food Safety Agency, Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has classified the Chia plant as safe for human consumption. As the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, the Chia seed contains up to 38% chia oil and up to 23% protein with all essential amino acids.
Dr. Vladimir Vuksan, Professor of Endocrinology and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto, cites scientific results and arrives at the well-founded conclusion that the extraordinary potential of the Chia seed has a major impact on improving human health and nutrition.
Boosting the vitality of the organism and simultaneously reducing weight
The experience of many people has shown that Chia seeds are effective in helping to lose weight and reduce weight in the long term. Written down or read in the Internet, people report openly about their positive experiences.
Klaus Schillinger, an endurance athlete, reports that after a steady intake he no longer felt hungry and the craving for sweets lay down. Within five weeks he lost 7 kg and keeps his body weight constant at 76 kg. Similar experiences were made by American women who used Mila, a chia product. They report that shortly after taking it, the vitality returned and energy was already noticeable. Losing six pounds of excess weight and lowering cholesterol by more than 20 points was a great side effect.
Further experience reports show that digestion works again, asthma almost disappears and autoimmune diseases have been reduced. Pages of data on lowered cholesterol and blood pressure levels can be read, as many people feel called to share their positive experiences.
Dr. Wayne Coates, the famous chia researcher, has published several books in which he explains on a scientific level that chia can help every human being. It is completely irrelevant whether people suffer from chronic or acute health problems. Chia also helps those who are currently healthy.